Friday 4 December 2020

Republicans' latest Georgia lawsuit used Facebook comments and stories of people following trucks on highways to try to overturn the election results

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Sidney Powell.
  • Republican lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood cited a Facebook comment thread in their latest legal effort to prove unsubstantiated claims that the 2020 race was plagued with widespread voter fraud and election-rigging.
  • One affidavit in Powell and Wood's Georgia lawsuit featured a self-described "Patriot" and their associate staking out a loading dock in Atlanta, Georgia, and suggesting Georgia's secretary of state used it to tamper with absentee ballots.
  • Other affidavits described how people in Georgia who were convinced the election was rigged began tailing unspecified trucks on highways looking to uncover a fraud scheme.
  • In another affidavit, an anonymous engineer said they believed some code in Georgia auditing software had been hacked before going on to say, "I personally cannot supply evidence of hacked code, only suspicion."
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

In their latest attempt to release the Kraken, Republican lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood submitted a nearly 1,000-page legal filing that featured, among other things, self-described "concerned citizens" following trucks around Georgia and staking out loading docks to uncover an elaborate voter and election fraud scheme that never materialized.

The filing was part of Powell and Wood's effort to appeal a district court ruling rejecting their request to decertify Georgia's election results. Also among the evidence included in the lawsuit, which was filed in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, was a Facebook comments section in which users complained about their mail being delayed.

In another affidavit, a self-described "Patriot" detailed how they and their associate staked out a loading dock in Atlanta, Georgia, because they believed Georgia's secretary of state was using the dock to tamper with large numbers of absentee ballots.

The individual, whose name was redacted in the filing, said in the affidavit that they and their associate, John, saw a "large moving van" pull up to the dock and "tried to video what they were loading/unloading ... I could hear things that were being unloaded that sounded like something with wheels, and there were several of them. They were clearly concerned about us videoing the process, as they tried to hide it. Pictures and videos are attached. At 2:29 p.m., a UPS truck pulled up to the dock at 210 Interstate North Parkway. Absentee ballots were being loaded into the UPS truck. I will send pictures and videos in another email."

The photos included in the affidavit were images of a truck. They did not provide any other evidence to back up their claims.

In other affidavits, people described tailing unspecified trucks on Georgia highways because they believed the vehicles looked suspicious and could be used in a voter fraud scheme to steal the election.

In multiple affidavits, Powell and Wood sought to redact the names of the affiants but only did so in some parts of the documents, so the individuals' identities were inadvertently revealed.

Another affidavit featured an anonymous engineer who expressed concern that the code in Georgia's auditing software was hacked, though they later added: "I personally cannot supply evidence of hacked code, only suspicion."

In yet another affidavit, a person described an apparently suspicious instance in which they "received [sic] a letter and ballot from The Forsyth Democrats (which I did not request) for the Run off Election in Jan 2021. It contained no information on the ballot, (My name, address, etc) and no return envelope. It was signed by a Jen C., a Democratic volunteer. I have never voted nor requested a ballot for an election."

It's unclear why this affidavit was included in Powell and Wood's lawsuit, given that it's completely routine and legal for political groups and campaigns to send potential voters ballot request forms.

In one affidavit, a self-described "Utilities Construction Contractor" and "concerned citizen" laid out their "surveillance" of two Georgia loading docks in the middle of the night on November 30, nearly a month after the election took place.

The contractor said they observed "absolutely nothing" during their surveillance except an apparently suspicious AT&T van in the parking lot, a garbage truck, and several dumpsters. They also said a discrepancy in the number of Wi-Fi networks that were available was "definite proof of trying to hide something," though they didn't say what.

At another point, the contractor said they, "a guy named Kyle," "a couple named Valerie and James," and "several people" suspected a semi-truck with a trailer of hiding something, and the couple followed the truck.

The rest of the filing featured similar affidavits making vague, ambiguous, and unspecified claims of suspected fraud and vote-tampering in Georgia, which certified its election results last week.

Wood and Powell have ignited a firestorm in the last several days over their conspirational and borderline unhinged allegations of widespread voter fraud, election fraud, and elaborate Democratic schemes to steal the election. Powell was initially associated with the Trump campaign's legal team before the campaign tried to distance itself from her.

But both she and Wood have encouraged Georgia voters in recent days to boycott the state's upcoming Senate runoff elections, which will decide who controls Congress' upper chamber. Members of the Republican establishment have sharply criticized the two lawyers, and several GOP strategists have expressed concerns that Powell and Wood's comments, as well as Trump's continued claims of electoral malfeasance, could depress Republican turnout in the runoffs.

Wood, Powell, the Trump campaign, and Republican voters across the country have filed dozens of lawsuits challenging the election results since November 3. They haven't won a single case. And as Business Insider has reported, the 2020 election was the safest and most secure in US history because of the use of paper ballots and voting machines with verifiable paper trails. The six battleground states that decided the election, including Georgia, have all certified their results as of this week, cementing Biden's victory. The Electoral College will meet to finalize the results on December 14, and Biden will be sworn in on January 20.

Madison Hall contributed reporting.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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